❉ to read a book a month...off to a good start so far...but we'll see!
❉ blog weekly, as mentioned above
❉ stick to the budget plan that Andrew made for 2010
❉ learn to knit (I bought a roll of yarn a few weeks ago, I made a few hair pieces) Now, off to bigger and better things...a scarf, maybe a blanket, who knows?
❉ take a quilting class
❉ eat my food pyramid servings of fruits and veggies everyday
❉ paint more (I used to paint a lot, just for me, and it was so relaxing...I need that back in my life again)
❉ exercise 3 to 4 times a week (everyone who knows me, is probably laughing at this one, thinking, "yeah right!! when pigs fly!" but you wait and see...2010 I'm going to be an exercising machine)
❉ floss daily
❉ better my work flow/daily routine (stick to the daily schedule I made out)
❉ take my polaroid everywhere I go (one day I want a room FILLED with every little thing I've captured on a polaroid)
❉ print out pictures and actually put them in the empty frames scattered around my house...sad, I know!
❉ triple my blog traffic coming through...hey, if you read the blog, don't be afraid to leave a comment! I love me some blog pals!
❉ start a twitter account...as badly as I hate it, I really need to do this for my business (ugh..I just don't want people following me around all day! But, it's 2010, so I need to get with it!)
❉ have more patience. I am really learning that little by little
❉ Do some sort of "give away" on the blog (not sure yet, still working on it)
❉ I have a HUGE goal set for October 2010. However, it is a surprise and I can't let the cat out of the bag just yet. But, one hint is that it is going to change the look of my business (for the better)! I can't wait :)
❉ Finally, one of the biggest goals I need to stick to for 2010...And this is a big one blog readers....Here it is: I need to focus on the things I have and make them better instead of wishing I had things that are completely out of my hands. In other words, I need to be proud of even the smallest things in my life, then allow things to fall into it's right place! This is a big struggle for me. I am always wanting and wishing and dreaming up things that are most of the time impossible (causing me to become impatient and sometimes temperamental, lol...sorry Andrew)
Now, I'm not saying I need to stop dreaming, because dreaming is what has gotten me this far. But I just need to make sure I make a plan with my hopes and dreams and learn to be patient with them. Because, often times, I think up something I REALLY want to do and I am quickly dissapointed when it doesn't go the way I dreamt. So, I am learning to take my ideas and plan them out instead of trying to rush straight into things. So, 2010...here's to you and dreaming BIG with a plan and a purpose!
I dream of changing the world, with one Heather H Photography client at a time:)
So CHEERS to the New Year. I hope 2010 will be a great year for all of you. Dream big and pray for patience with those beautiful dreams you think up!
And here is a little picture that made me smile for the New Year...
Sometimes, we need to just take some time and get all dressed up, just to have a tea party with our friends! (I might even throw this on my list)

1 comment:
Saw that you were on Brenda's Wedding Blog..that's pretty cool :) I think.
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